วันเสาร์ที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Crank up your pool training


When training for a fast swimming time, it’s important to train with high-intensity elements in every session.

The reason we integrate intensity in every swim is because we are already inputting a big volume of low intensity steady aerobic work on the bike and run.

Consequently, triathlon swimming is exceptional and different because it must comprise a much larger proportion of “ hard” work.

Q. Should I be sprinting all of the time?

Absolutely not. When you swim with intensity, this will not mean even that each session is filled with maximum attempts, or sprinting. Instead, each session should comprise some sprints to boost muscle adaptation with one each week designed to exhaust the athlete.

The reason for so much intensity in the pool is mostly due to the skill element of swimming. For example , biomechanically there ’s nearly no difference between slow and rapid cycling if you compare quick and slow swimming strokes transform a lot.

Developing a relaxed and rhythmical “fast” stroke can only occur at speed, so a lot of rapid swimming is demanded.

Q. How do Bath Amphibians do it?

Our sessions that are extremely hard require a large volume of maximum attempt work on brief rest periods. A set that is steadier is inevitably a little slower, with the high-strength components a little more spread out and the total effort would be a lower, only without losing a large volume of swimming that is faster.

Q. What kind of sessions can I do?

Sessions that include sprint attempts, threshold pyramids (see example) and incorporate resistance work are perfect for ramping up intensity. It’s simple to twist instead of roll, losing your streamlining and efficiency through the water.

That happens when you begin putting in more effort with less focus on your own technique. To fight this, be sure to engage your center using it as a connection between the balancing actions of your shoulders that are rolling and the kick.

Ben’s favourite pyramid set:

Make sure you warm up correctly beforeyou attempt the set. A steady 400m with acouple of more rapid spans thrown in to increase the heart rate and intensity should do the trick.

  • 3 x 500m as:
  • 25m hard / 75m easy
  • 50m hard /50m easy
  • 75m hard/25m easy
  • 50m hard /50m easy
  • 25m hard / 75m easy
Read More : Click Here
+ 3min rest between each 500m
200m cool down swim

